Tuesday, August 10, 2010

TamPogo Tango: Show Me The Money!

Many people have gotten into trouble with the attitude of show me the money. I am about the money but it can't just be the money. This email from Chuck Stebbins about Tampogo and Tampogo Tango. Tango is about show me the money but without the BS of those others that just talk and don't deliver. TamPogo and TamPogo Tango deliver show show me the money is well and good in this MLM

From the desk of Chuck Stebbins, CEO.
Dear iRep,
This quote from the film Jerry McGuire is one of the most enduring lines ever to come from Hollywood.
Human nature being what it is, people always want to see the money immediately. The “show me the money” philosophy has been accelerated by technology. Our lives have become “immediate” and “on demand” while technology has provided us so many choices. Often times, this actually works against us. If a certain channel doesn’t entertain us in the first 3 seconds, we change it. After all, there are hundreds to choose from and it is so easy to change the channel. One button on the remote or even a phrase out loud and we are on to the next program.
It all seemed so simple. If there was something you didn’t like about your job, you would just change it. After all, there were plenty of jobs. If you needed a new wardrobe, just apply for a new credit card to buy it. If your car was good enough yesterday but suddenly you like a different color, no problem. Just get a new loan for a “better” car. If your home was fine until your neighbor moved into a bigger one for a smaller payment; why shouldn’t you do the same?!
In 2007, I recall sitting on the beach talking to a friend who I was advising not to trade his $780,000 California home for a $7,000,000 home that was a "once in a lifetime" steal for $5,000,000. My argument was that his $350,000 income just couldn’t support it. His argument was that his family fell in love with the swim up bar in the gorgeous pool in the back yard. I remember referring to these sudden life choices as “monetary musical chairs.” It was a giant game that was fun while the music played but when it suddenly stopped, there would NO chairs left. Unfortunately, he bought the home and the music stopped. And while I wish I had been wrong, indeed there were no chairs left to fall into. The last I checked, he lost his Mercedes, his Jag and his Escalade and is driving a Honda. He also lost his home but fortunately still has a job to allow his family to live in a decent rented town home.
On Demand is good for some things but not for creating wealth. For a year I argued against the network marketing culture that fostered people jumping from company to company, fleecing others of as much as they could in the process. I told anyone who would listen, that the way to build a lasting financial framework is “one brick at a time.” But that’s a hard message to accept in a down economy when immediate need is at its highest. Desperation has come with inflated hope and with predators counting on that fact.
When the lights go out across the city, looting happens. When an earthquake destroys a country, fake charities pop up. When an oil spill happens, phony businesses get set up on the shoreline, promising everyone their share (real or otherwise) of the billions. And when the economy collapses the networking predators come out in packs ALL PROMISING YOU IMMEDIATE SUCCESS AND SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.
Since I have been running TamPogo, I have seen literally THOUSANDS of these come and go – all with completely predicable personal devastation to those in need of a quick fix. And each time, when another one of these poorly conceived domino's collapsed, it caused me great pain. People were not learning from recent history. They were trying to solve problems that the “show me the money” attitude caused with a “show me the money” solution. As Albert Einstein said, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. In this case, temporary monetary insanity.
Applying Einstein’s belief to myself, I realized simply counseling people against wanting faster rewards and expecting a different result, was also insanity. If I was to be an effective leader then I needed to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY; something that could solve the needs of the people who were looking to me for help.
I knew in my heart that TamPogo was the long term financial answer for people to build incredible, enduring wealth. I knew the power in the unilevel and the amazing turbo charge that the bonuses offered. But I also knew that none of this proved itself overnight. It wasn’t supposed to. Success at the unilevel required something that I call “persmartstence” which is obviously a combination of being persistent and working smart. TamPogo needed to do more to get people money faster and easier. Believe me, I heard the message over and over from a variety of experienced network marketers. Then one of the respected gentleman of TamPogo showed me something that a pirate company was doing. Together, we saw how it could be altered and improved to provide a quicker cash start for people. This would be a way to actually create enduring wealth with serious, sensible business practices while “showing everyone the money!”
TamPogo Tango was born. And I truly mean WAS BORN because it started at the end of July. It is live and it is happening. People are already making real money!
To benefit and make money all you need do is buy a TamPogo Tango Package and get two who get two. When that happens you will make $600 cash and receive two sets of products worth about $800 in suggested retail price. Better yet, the more people you bring and the more people your personally sponsored team brings, the more cash and products that you earn. As you build your team, you can receive a dizzying amount of cash and real products. This can happen every week, every day or even every hour.
Plus, most importantly, you have the enduring power of the wealth creating unilevel securing your financial future.
TamPogo, its bonuses, and the incredible new optional Tango program spell one thing – NO LIMITS. That’s correct; no limits. You now have no limits to your personal achievement. It’s easy and it’s fun, but it is still work. Which means only a portion of you receiving this e-mail will truly catch on and make it work for you. You need to ask yourself which side of the fence do you personally want to be on? The side where the successful people dwell and improve their lives or the side where people complain and do nothing to improve themselves.
Remember, SUCCESS = Competency x Motivation x Organizational Support.
We have given you a new tool to build a stronger future but the equation still requires you. You are the author of your own existence. We can show you the way. We can provide you with the tools like TamPogo and TamPogo Tango but you must do your part.
Those of you who go out today, tomorrow and the next day to build your team are the group that will excel. Those of you who wait until the last 3 days of August will achieve far less.
With that in mind, I will announce our 6th Lucky Me Contest – the No Limits Contest. The contest time frame is August 1st – August 10th.
$1,000 to the person who personally sponsors the most iReps who purchase Tango packages during the contest time frame. $500 to second place. Plus $250 to third place (minimum four Tango members to qualify)
$500 to the person who signed up the most new personally enrolled, Active iReps (Tango or otherwise) during the contest period. $250 to second place.
All five winners will be placed in our upcoming grand prize vacations drawing to be held at the end of the 10 Lucky Me contests.
Until then, please join us on the conference calls tonight. With the pre-launch of TamPogo Tango and the acceleration in TamPogo, your entire team needs to stay connected.
8:00pm Eastern:
New iRep OrientationTraining - TamPogo Co-Founder Ersula Odom will go over the basics and teach NEW iReps how to get off to a fast start!
Phone (218) 339-2500
Code 485737#
9:00pm Eastern:
iRep Training - Jeff Conrady will share his experience in Nicaragua as he "followed the food" from donations to Feed My Starving Children based on YOUR Fast Track purchases. It was a life changing experience.
Phone (951) 262-4343
Code 151410#

Ready to sign up TamPogo or just looking for more info.
Here my TamPogo Tango page if you want a little more info on Tango

Related Articles:

The Reason I am Excited about TamPogo

TamPogo Tango The Beginning

Contact Me

Email: lledslinger@gmail.com
Phone: 210-379-5489
skype: steven.letsinger

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