Sunday, August 29, 2010

TamPogo Tango: Info From Upline

I received this email a few short day's ago from one of my upline Dan Santoline From time to time I like to share some of these email about TamPogo and TamPogo Tango with those that stop by My TamPogo Tango blog.


I received this letter from my sponsor Robert Short yesterday and wanted to share it with you.

Robert has had success in network marketing for years and I’m so glad he contacted me about TamPogo last Aug and that I got involved.

I’m still blown away by TamPogo and by the income TamPogo Tango has created for me and some of my downline members who have already cycled 1 2 and even 3 times. I and three other leaders on our team –Pete Balasch, Mel Slabaugh and Bob McCorvey all achieved TamPogo Tango Master in July which is Awesome! There were 24 Tango Masters all together.

If you did join TamPogo Tango and haven’t yet found your two just invite people to Chuck Hanson’s Tango calls. He has 9 of these a week. There is no time limit on getting your two people but if you get people to his call they are in!

If you haven’t brought your TamPogo Tango package yet you are truly missing out on a lot of income in the future! This is a business not a hobby. If you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one. But if you can show me another way on earth to created $600 in cash and $300 worth of free product over and over again for life on a onetime $299 purchase please show it to me and ill jump right in! There simply is none period.

PLUS the weight loss industry is over 60 billion a year and our new weight loss product Cacao Wow retails for $60 a bottle not $50. One Tango case of 9 sold a month is an extra $540 in your pocket all for free!! I plan on retailing a case a week of the Cacao Wow!

Roberts’s message is below

Hello Dan,

Robert here with a quick update.

If you have any doubt that you are in the right place at the right time just check out the innovative, new, cutting edge products offered by TamPogo.

Just one of these products alone could launch and sustain an entire Network Marketing company.
We have it made with TamPogo.

Below are two of the most recent company calls in case you missed them.

You can share these with your prospects as well

Thursday TamPogo Call with CEO Chuck Stebbins:

Wednesday TamPogo Tango Call with Chuck Hanson:

I hear from time to time, from just a few people that have been members for a while, "I can't find anyone to join TamPogo". Or, I don't know what to say. Come on! Those that say that are simply not plugging in and doing what is necessary to succeed.

There are weekly conferences by corporate. There are the T3 training calls by Gloria, Colleen and Tracy. There are 9 Tango calls a week by Chuck Hanson a 12 million dollar income earner in the industry! And now our very own CEO is holding Foundation calls 3 times a week to help you succeed.

Not being available at the time of these calls is no excuse. They are all recorded. So, when one of your team members tells you they don't know how to recruit. Or, can't find anyone to join them simply ask if they are following the trainings. The answer will be no.

There are no excuses. Teach your new members that they need to take responsibility for their own business and use all of the available resources. I've been successful in this industry for over 15 years and I still attend as many of these conferences as possible.

I always pick up a new tip or a different strategy. I've told team members to have prospects call me if need be. Or, three way them with me. There are always people upline to help as well.

The best advice I have for you and your new recruits is to be on every single call available. Chuck said on a recent call that he will make 40 people millionaires this year and scores more as time goes on. It's up to you if you want to be one of these people.

Here is that call

Best regards,

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosby

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

More Info On TamPogo Tango

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skype: steven.letsinger
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1 comment:

  1. I would probably have passed on TamPogo Tango if it wasn't for a friend of mine. After all these years of BS offers and things that just didn't work I finally found the big one.
